Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is your Marriage Going the Way You Want It To?

Is your marriage going the way you want it too? Does your love life
seems a little on the dull side! In every marriage there are going
to be those little ups and downs; but, it's how we deal with those
ups and downs that really matter. Below are a few tips I've learned
that might help in keeping your marriage "Alive."

1) Me

Try and use the word "Me" less! You probably don’t even realize how
often you use that word. Same with using the word "I." It’s so easy
to automatically want to talk about yourself. It’s a habit, not a
good one but still a habit. Once you catch yourself using that word;
stop and try to think of something else to say in it’s place. Like
maybe "You" or “Yours.” How is your ingrown toenail doing? How are
your chapped lips feeling?

2) Lighten Up

Laugh, act silly, tell jokes! If you are anything like me you are the
"Mature One;" sometimes I feel like I’ve lost my sense of humor because
I am always being the "Mom." Responsibility tends to suck the life
out of you. Try and find some humor in life, even if it means reading
a book of jokes.

Here’s a starter, “What did one Volcano say to the other?"
I Lava You!

3) Think Back

Find a nice, quiet, relaxing place and close your eyes. Think back to
when you and your spouse first met. What attracted him to you?
Remember how jealous you got when someone flirted with him? Remember
how you felt just being around him; you didn’t want to leave his side.
There once was passion there and yes, you can get that romance back.
Think back to that minute that you knew he was the one you wanted to
spend the rest of your life with.

4) Communicate

When he comes home from work don’t start griping about the kids, your
job, etc. {there’s time for that later.} Find interesting things to
talk about; if necessary dowhat I do! I keep a pen and Paper lying
around and when ever I find or hear something interesting I write it
down. It could be about something you heard on the news; something you
saw on “The View.” Even something you read in the newspaper. If you
found it interesting, your spouse may too!

5) Ask Questions

During those quiet times with your spouse, when you can't think of
anything to say; try asking some "off the wall" kind of questions.
Below are a few examples:

What would you do if you won the lottery?
If you could live anywhere, Where?
If you could have one physical thing changed, what?

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